Why diabetes check-ups matter
What do I need to know about diabetes?
What to do when you have type 2 diabetes - An easy read guide
How to make reasonable adjustments to diabetes care for adults with a learning disability
Top Tips - Talking to People with a Learning Disability About Diabetes
Diabetes UK website
Training videos on how to make reasonable adjustments
What is diabetes?
How to stay healthy with diabetes
Diabetes medication
Eating with Diabetes
Diabetes and Physical activity (moving more)
Looking after your weight
How to test your blood sugar levels
What is a hypo?
Treating a hypo
Diabetes - When I am unwell (ketoacidosis)
Eye care and diabetes
Foot care and diabetes
How to stay healthy with diabetes and your feet
My diabetes goals
Carbohydrates - An easier to understand guide
Keep an Eye on Sugar - Easy read booklet
Keep an eye on your blood pressure - easy read guide
OK Diabetes Feedback leaflet